Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Journey to the Tower

Pen and ink, colored digitally.
Inspired by the Dark Tower series, written by Stephen King.

Big Bear

Digital painting.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sky is Falling

Drawn in in, colored digitally.
An ad was used as reference for the guy. No idea what it was for though, the page was ripped.

Vampire Hunter

Drawn in pen and ink, colored digitally.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Turtle Tree

Digital Painting.

God of Thunder and Rock n' Roll

Digital painting.

Confrontation part 2

Took the old black and white image and added some color digitally.

Panther Dude

Just a dude chilling with his panther brother.

Lines in ink, colored digitally.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rock Bot 10,000

A robot wrought simply to rock. As proven by his fire hair, built in shades, and a deep love of cigarettes.
Drawn in ink, colored in Photoshop.

Ownage Jones Vs. The Snake Bohemoth

This is Ownage Jones. Rock legend by night, hunter of mythical beasts by night. Sleeps during the day.
Drawn in ink, colored in Photoshop.

Alien Landscape

A matte painting of an alien world.
Done entirely in Photoshop.

Sitting in the Park

Some dudes. Sitting in a park.
Done in ink and watercolor, additional coloring done in Photoshop.

Awesome Kicks

A silhouette exercise. Trying to see how much information can be conveyed with simple shapes. And that is totally me doing those awesome kicks.
Done in watercolor.

House of Usher

Inspired by the Fall of the House of Usher. Tried to make it look like it was from an old horror comic or something.
Done in ink, then colored in Photoshop.

The Adventures of Super Lincoln

So here's an image of ol' Honest Abe wrecking a car. It was totally justified, as it was being driven by the Enemies of America (tm). I'm sure you can look at this and find all sorts of political subtext, but the fact of the matter is, Abe Lincoln throwing a car into a rock makes me laugh. This is of course a recreation of the iconic first appearance of Superman.
Done in marker and ink. Sadly the scan messed with some of the colors.

Creature Creation

Character sheets for a creature design. It's a combination of a dog, a cat and a bull.

A sculpture of the creature. During the sculpting process a few changes were made to the anatomy in an attempt to make it look slightly more realistic. Most notably, the torso has been stretched, and to a lesser extent, the neck and head as well.
Most of the creature is made up of a wire frame wrapped in aluminum foil for density. Only a slight layer around the creature is made up of Super Sculpey.

3D model of the creature, done in 3D Studio Max.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alien Makes Cover of Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone cover. Alien is on it.
Done in pencil and watercolor. Photoshop was used for the text and logo.

Hot Sauce Monster

A project for school where we had to design a label for "Melinda's Hot Sauce". I decided to draw a Pepper Monster.
Done in ink and watercolor.

The Narrator

A collage of Edward Norton in his role as "The Narrator" from the hit film Fight Club.

Marla Singer

An image of Helena Bonham Cater in her role as Marla Singer from the excellent movie Fight Club.
A combination of collage, pencil and ink.

Man With Cig

An image of Peter Lorre. Reference picture was taken from a book of photographs taken by Yousuf Karsh. The book is titled "Portrait in Light and Shadow: The Life of Yousuf Karsh" and it was written by Maria Tippett.
Done on a scratch board.

Mr. Frog

An image of a delightful frog on a log. Reference photo was taken off of the National Geographic website.
Done on a scratch board.


A standoff on Coney Island. Highly inspired by the cult classic film "The Warriors" and the comic series "Pirates of Coney Island". Reference was used for the famous Wonder Wheel. The two figures were drawn during a live studio session.
Done in pen and ink.


An adorable image of a raccoon. Reference picture was taken from the National Geographic website. Done in the style of "pointillism" over the course of many hours.
Done in pen and ink.

Housework Poster

A poster done for a school project. It's a poster inviting people to an artistic showcase of appliance designs. Yeah, I wouldn't go either.
Done in Illustrator.

Smoke Detector

And exploded view of a smoke detector. Busted open an old one for reference.
Done in Illustrator.

Mmmm, Doughnut

A project for school where we had to take a picture of the new Tim Horton's doughnut in front of a coffee, and then illustrate the image. The doughnut was delicious by the way.
Done with pencil and markers.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


An image done to portray both reflection and the materials of the different objects.
Done in pencil, color pencil, and marker.

The Seasons

A series of bookmarks showing the progression of seasons.
Done in watercolor, pencil, and ink.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jacket Girl

A pencil drawing I did quite some time ago. The reference was from a magazine ad, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was for. If I had to guess I would say jackets. Or maybe skin cream.

Run Away

A storyboard I did using my friend as the model.
Done with markers and pencil.
If you look closely at the dark figure chasing him, you can see he is wearing a crown. I almost did a seventh panel which would show that he was being chased by The King. You know, the scary guy from the Burger King commercial.

Inside the Mountain

A painting done of a collage I created with magazine clippings.
I always thought it kind of looked like an album cover.